Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back School Shopping

Shopping for school clothes was more expensive this year. We have 3 boys in men's sizes now. Nate's shoe size is 13! The good thing is, he can borrow shirts from Mike now. That helps a little, but there are only a few deemed acceptably cool enough to wear to school.

The first day of school is August 6th. Summer went by way too fast! I am so happy Nate and Noah are in Middle School together for one year. Sam, Jonah, Mike and I are all at the Elementary School. Fun!!!! My horse program does not begin classes until September, so I will have some free time for a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Family Reunion!

We had a great time at our Rogers Family Reunion last week. We spent a week on the beach in Oceanside, CA. Twenty kids under the age of 13 in one house, but it was a blast! The kids were in heaven every second.
Thank goodness my brother-in-law Ryan shares his awesome pictures with me, because I did not take one picture all week long. What was I doing? Sitting on the beach reading, boogie boarding, or playing games I guess. It was a great vacation. We were all sad to come home. Especially when it was 115 degrees in Cave Creek when we returned. Thank goodness we have a pool!

Thanks again Ryan! And thank you to Deb, for e-mailing me this over their dial up internet. It must have clogged up your signal for hours. I appreciate it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Challenger Space Center

The car was packed, the house was clean, and we were ready to leave early in the morning for our trip to Utah. Noah woke up with a high fever, and Mike and I decided we should stay home. It was a good choice, since the rest of us have been sharing germs the past few days. Ugh!

To make up the lost trip to our grouchy children, (mostly our Teen) we decided we would be on vacation until Monday as planned. That means no jobs, (at least for the boys) and plenty of outings, TV, and Playstation. We saw Ice Age 3 in 3D, swam a lot, ate a lot, and last night we enjoyed the fireworks in Cave Creek at our annual Church Ice cream Social. It was awesome.

Here are some pictures from our field trip to the Challenger Space Center. We have always wanted to go there, and now we can say we have. It was not as great as we had expected, next time we will go to the Science Center instead! But we still had fun. We have started listening to books on tape together when we have long drives in the car. Everyone seems to enjoy it but Mike and Sam. They are always grumpy anyway, so we just ignore them!

Giddyup Cowboy!

Jonah rode in his first Gymkhanas with me last weekend. It was HOT, but we still had the rest of the family there to cheer us on. Of course, they sat in the shade underneath the bleachers... only in AZ!

Jonah took this picture of our ribbons, which he proudly arranged on the wall. He did such a great job. It is pretty intimidating riding out in that big arena all by yourself! I did really well this time, but it helped there were only 8 people in my division! We got home after Midnight, but it was a fun day.

Summer Fun

Our extended family, Kiara and Ava. They are getting so big! Kiki starts Kindergarten this year!

Locked up in the locker room. Our cousins Jackie and Cameron, with Sam and Jonah. This is how Nate and Noah keep them entertained so playstation can continue uninterrupted!

Jonah has the coolest headphones ever!

My future architect.
Jonah's would be bigger if he would stop feeding Lucy all of his marshmallows!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

And it smells like one, too

We were in the pool with the boys yesterday, and Nate pointed out to his parents how much he is growing up. "I have 5 hairs under each arm, which means I am a man. You need to treat me like a man now! I need to be talked to like a man!"

Hi, my name is Jonah, and....

I came home from a long day of working outside, and went straight to my computer to check my e-mail. Mike made some comment about me being an addict. Out of nowhere a little voice piped up from the couch, "I'm addicted too! To horses. Nope, I'm addicted to ANIMALS!"