Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Combined activity with YM/YW

Last week Nate had a combined activity with the Young Women. The activity included a scavenger hunt to get food stuffs for our St. Mary's Food Drive. The youth spread out over the Tatum Highlands neighborhood and went door to door collecting anything and everything the residents were willing to give. They ended up with some funny stories and "close encounters." When all was said and done we collected over one hundred pound of food stuffs for the drive. Way to go guys!


Debbie said...

Wow, that's a big pile of loot they collected. Way to go! I love hearing about activities like that.
You know, seeing that picture makes me hope my kids come home from trick-or-treating on Halloween with a pile of candy that big for me to eat!!! See, service there too, they can collect it for me!!! ;)

Gwyn said...

What an awesome activity! Great photos too!