Monday, April 6, 2009

April Fools Day Dinner!

For April Fools Day, everyone in the house (well, except for Mike) participated in pulling pranks on each other. Some were funnier than others, but everyone had a good attitude about them. (A couple of the boys woke up with pink fingernails, and Sam went to school with remnants of facial hair drawn with marker on his face) I wanted to do something fun together without one person feeling picked on.
On, the best website ever, I got the idea for an April Fools Dinner. We had a nice family meal with Bill and Alex joining us. I listed all the items on the table on slips of paper(including utensils and condiments), and everyone got an envelope with their papers. For each course, we all drew 3 slips of paper. Whatever was listed is all that you got. Jonah was thrilled to get frosting and a brownie for his first course. Sam got cheese, pepper, and a drink. However, since he didn't have a cup yet, he drank from the pitcher! For the second course, Sam got salt, frosting, and a fork. He was not very happy because he was hungry! It ended up being a lot of fun and something we will make a tradition to do again each year.


Jessica Motes said...

that is kewl!!!!!

Gwyn said...

Sounds like you had fun--even if some of you stayed hungry!

BeCcA said...

Your dinner sounds totally awesome, I will have to remember that one and try it out. Love the pictures!!!